Q. What are the little fish around the Island?
. Tap them! They give you gold and XP.

Having trouble reaching the ones at the top of your Island? 

Zoom in, they are easier to tap.

Don't drive yourself crazy trying to tap the jumping ones, you can't!
Q. Who is the man in the funky boat at my boat order dock?
. Mr. Livey & The Shell Game!

Each day he comes to visit for a chance to win prizes.

First round is free. Additional rounds are 1 gem, 2nd round additional 2 gems, and a final 3rd round for 3 gems.
If you get "Jackpot" you win ALL (remaining) prizes.

Not so lucky? Don't worry, he'll be back tomorrow, so try again!

Q. What is the book on the left side of my main screen?
A.  These are your "Game Tasks".

Complete for coins, prizes and XP. There is no time limit and don't disappear until completed.

Q.  How can I help my neighbors?
A.  Davin Bline!

Tap your "Friend" Icon to open 3 Tab options. Neighbors is people in your Regatta Team, Friends is ALL your Facebook friends.
Click on "Help Davin" to open tab to "help" neighbors, which really helps You!
Names will come up for you to "help". As you advance in levels you get more friends to help.

Tap on picture of friend and "visit". Davin will tell you what to look for, either his Magic Hat or Magic Box.

Search on friend's island to find item. Tap it for prizes, coins and XP.

Come back tomorrow!
Q.  Who are the Beach Paddlers?
A.  Jessy & Arnold!
Complete one time, no time limit tasks for coins and XP. Tap "Yes, here you go" to fulfill, "No, sorry" to decline.
Paddler will leave. (No penalty to decline).  Don't worry, they'll be back soon!
If you have an expendable item, keep order sitting until you want/need to free up space in silo, then do it.
Q.  Who are the Jet Skiers? ("gifts on the beach")
A.  Penny & Kemahame!
Complete orders for Coins & XP.
Fulfill Kamehame's 3 orders and Penny's 5 for the BIG prize! (Coins, XP + GOODIES {planks, bricks, screws}!)
There is a time limit on fulfilling the orders, watch it, if it runs out you can't complete for big end prize. While they are "eating" tap on person for preview of what will be in next order. For each task level there will be 2 options to fulfill that task.
They'll let you know when they're done.(Green smiley face icon 😊 will appear above heads. If you don't have time to fulfill order, don't collect, leave smiley icon; timer for next order will not begin until you tap smiley face). 
There is no penalty for not fulfilling an order, BUT, you will not get the Lg prize at end of set of tasks. First order that does not get fulfilled in time, skier will display a red frowny face icon 😡 and when you tap, skier will leave instead of offer next task.
Q. What's "The Tunnel" orders?
A.  Harris & Amelie!
Gotta open it first!
Fulfill orders for coins, XP, and items.
Yep, that's a phone beside the tunnel! ☎️ Click on phone while in current order to see what's coming next.
You can decline order with no penalty but once out of customers there is a 2 hour wait before they return.  Tapping on phone will show what's coming in order after wait or can use gems to speed up. Amount of gems to speed up decreases as wait time decreases.
Q.  What are the advantages to doing Boat Orders?
A.  To me, the Boat Orders are your consistent bread and butter of the game (frequent players).
After each customer's 7th purchase, you get a Present!
Prizes gathered from boat orders include, shovels, saws, storage upgrade items, etc.  If you don't have an item required in order and it takes longer to produce than your delete time, get rid of it! Wait time for new orders to regenerate depends on your game Level.
Q.  What are shells for? Where do I find them?
A.  You need seashells for certain game items (dogs, cats, Great Honey Flowers for bees and the Mulberry Tree can ONLY be purchased with shells).
Your shell count can be found here:
Shell count lets you know how many of each of the 3 shell types you have on hand. And the price to buy an individual shell.
Where to find Blue Shells:

Where to find Purple Shells:
Where to find Yellow Shells (RARE! available after Lvl 21):
* Is there a use for the purple shells after I have purchased my last pet?  No, nothing as of yet. 😪😡
Q.  Where do the cats and dogs come from?
A.  Cats & Dogs, are your Funky Bay Island "PETS"
**!!** As of Sept. 2019 Pets are NO longer available! IF you have already purchased the dog and/or cat house, you CAN still purchase pets available to you.**!!**
Your first pet house and pet (Both Dog) become available at Level 19.
|First cat house and cat become available at level 28.
Purchase your pets with Shells. There are 3 Dogs and 3 Cats available as pets on your Island.
Feed your Dogs: cookies, and your Cats: milk.  Your pet will roam, sleep and dig up prizes for you! Anything from Coins & XP to items and Chests!  Pet will let you know when they have a gift for you:
Q.  What are the Chests, and how do I get Keys to open them?
A.  Chests come from MANY places; clearing land, expeditions, pets. They have to be opened with a key(s). Click on chest, swipe key across chest to open. No keys?  You can "lock pick" them to open! Click on chest, menu comes up, click on Timer, swipe across chest.
A countdown Timer will appear above chest, chest will "bounce" when unlocked. 
Lock pick times (For Adventuring Ship: Lg Red; 2 keys, Med Green; 1 key, Sm Wooden; 1 key.)
Keys can be obtained from Mr. Livey, chests and Map task rewards. also available for purchase with gems.
Q.  Does the guy in the E-Z Chair do anything?
A.  He tracks your Achievements!
Click on him to bring up menu.
No worries! Gems and XP just for doing what you're doing!!
Q.  Why is everything shown with 2 numbers?
A.  This is your: "On Hand vs. Required"
With all tasks, recipes etc. there is amount required to fulfill (always right hand #) and what you have on hand (left hand #).
For new territories...
Tunnel Orders, Etc...
Regatta Tasks, Boat Orders, Etc...
QCan I speed things up?
A.  Waiting for something to "finish"? Can speed up with gems.
OR... At 30 seconds and less you can collect for free!
Anything that is timed.... Mill items...
Fields, Trees, Bushes...
Even Map Island Timed Items...
Q.  I can't find a certain item, what do I do to find it?
A.  Almost all items in game can be found by clicking/tapping on the item. A text bubble should come up telling you what it is and where to locate it. Some items may even have a small magnifying glass attached to it, tap it to be shown where item can be located. (In Maps, you may not get off that easy, it may tell you to "keep exploring the area")
Q.  Can I add other players in-game?
A.  No. Only your Regatta Neighborhood will give you access to players that are not your Facebook friends.

Q.  How can I get MORE friends?
A.  Check out the Community Page for friends to add, invite FB friends to play the game, join a FB Group. 
Q.  How can I open up more land?
A.  As you Level up, land opens up to you for purchase.
Q.  Can I rotate my mills?
A.  No
Q.  My land is cluttered and full, I don't want my decorations out, to make space. Can I store them?
A.  Yes, IF you click on an item and it shows a return to storage symbol, you can.
Q.  What should I purchase/acquire first?
A.  There is no required order to purchasing items, entirely up to the individual. Joining a Facebook group e.g. Funkier Funky Bay Friends can help with advice and strategies.
*Most purchasing will be determined by on hand funds!
Q.  Why does the price of my trees keep going up but I'm not getting anymore fruit? 
A.  Good Question!?!?! 😡😠
=>Effective Sept. 2019 TREE PRICES HAVE DROPPED!! 😀
Q.  I can't seem to purchase more trees, why?
A.  You may be at your maximum amount allowed on Island.             **Keep in mind the max. amount is alive or DEAD trees on your Island. If you haven't chopped it down, it is considered part of your max. allowable.
Q.  Does it matter where I place things on my Island?
A.  No
Q.  How come my friend has something I don't?
A.  Game changes and additions are added on different platforms at different times to test. My understanding is changes/updates/new content will be released on a certain platform, bug checked, fixed if needed, released to other platforms. (Makes sense.) Everyone will eventually all have same in game features and time lengths to complete events, they just might not run concurrently to YOURS.
Q.  How often is the game updated?
A.  According to the Funky Bay Community page; every 1-3 weeks.
Q.  My game won't load, what should I do?
A.  Close out of game and reload. See "Troubleshooting" in this blog for additional info.
Q.  I made a purchase and it didn't go through, what do I do?
A.  Contact Support. See "Troubleshooting" in this blog for additional info.
Q.  Something's not working in game / My "X" disappeared, where did it go?
A.  Contact Support. See "Troubleshooting" in this blog for additional info.
Q.  I emailed support and didn't get a reply, within a reasonable time frame, what should I do?
A.  Try again, and again, and if necessary; AGAIN!  
**Did you include all pertinent info and details? Did you include screenshots?