The Mine
Once you have reached Level 27 and have cleared the land in front of The Mine, it becomes available for you to OPEN.
Open the mine with the required items.
Larry gives us a bit of a How-To.
Start digging! The pickaxe will clear one square of sandstone or 1/2 a stone block, the dynamite; a row until hits stone block and the keg clears a 3x3 area. You can not back up to what you miss/avoid.
Mine for IRON ORE, PLATINUM, GOLD, AMETHYST, treasures, gold coins and tools.
Near start, treasure chests will be open and just need to be tapped to open. Further down they are locked.
They can ONLY be opened by (3) gems. Keys will not open chests in The Mine.
*You can bypass these chests with no consequences. BUT remember once past, where it no longer shows, you CAN NOT GO BACK UP.
Pickaxes: Clear one sandstone or 1/2 a stone block.
Dynamite: Clear a row of sandstone (Until hits a stone block, creates 1/2 a hit on a stone block.)
Powder Kegs: will destroy anything (EXCEPT unbreakable blocks) in a 3x3 grid.
If you run out of tools for mining, they can be purchased with GEMS.
There is NO BOTTOM to The Mine. Keep Digging!
Q. What do you do with the items you mine?
A. You need to purchase the FOUNDRY to process your iron, gold and platinum into bars to be used in other mills to produce items.